Monday, January 05, 2009 

Me And Nana

thinklebell meowed @ 7:03 PM

Saturday, December 08, 2007 

OMG!!! I look so messy.... this is what happen when i insist on feeding myself hehhehe....

thinklebell meowed @ 6:57 PM

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 

thinklebell meowed @ 7:20 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2007 

It has been a long time since mummy has done any posting for me. I went to jiu jiu house last week and took Magdelene jie jie sticker to stick it on my face. How is it? Am i creative hahaha... Anyway i hope mummy can post more postings for me in the future.

thinklebell meowed @ 8:29 AM

Wednesday, August 01, 2007 

My New Hair Cut

Like my new hair cut??? It's call armani hair cut hahahaha...

After my hair cut i'm so tired that i fall asleep in the car...zzzzzz...

thinklebell meowed @ 10:36 AM

Saturday, March 03, 2007 

Police Spot Check

Went to Takashimaya yesterday and there's a police spot check, i was asked to put my hands against the wall "Oops" what did i do wrong?? hehehe...

thinklebell meowed @ 8:27 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 

Today is 21st of Feb and it's the day i was born back in 2006, mummy did a very simple collage to share with everyone. Though it wasn't very nicely done up but i like it alot because muumy took some time to do it for me and it's a little gift from her, hope u all will like it too.

thinklebell meowed @ 7:51 AM

I had my birthday celebration on the 11th of Feb, really enjoyed myself. Mummy ordered this 2 tier cake for me and it's very nice and it's my 1st time eating chocolate cake...YUMMY... hmmm.. wonder when will i have the chance to eat a cake again. "mummy please get a cake for me"

thinklebell meowed @ 7:41 AM

♪PrEv|oUs ArCh|vEs ♪

Me And NanaOMG!!! I look so messy.... this is what happen whe... It has been a long time since mummy has done any ...My New Hair CutPolice Spot CheckToday is 21st of Feb and it's the day i was born b...I had my birthday celebration on the 11th of Feb, ...Am I Photogenic!16 Dec 2006

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♪ Th|ngS | wAnT ♪


♪ L|nKs ♪

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